
Big $ossaa

What is your profession?

Artist/ Creative

How did you get into the field that you are in today?

I’ve been writing music a few years now but I actually just started taking it serious around early June . What popped it off was me doing the dusty Locain “ Rollin “ Remix , we ended up doing the video the same night just on some bored shit and I kid you not , within 12 hours of dropping my phone was blowing up . People was asking for features , trying to shoot my videos , make me cover arts and do interviews and stuff like that . it was like I pushed a universal button that said “ Press here to turn your life up “

What do you love most about your profession?

I love that in the music industry you have so much leeway to become whoever and whatever you want . In the real world where people actually know you niggas be so shiesty , especially where I’m from. but when you’re putting out music spitting some hot shit and you start getting comfortable, you can chose to either be the same old you that niggas talk about in the hood , or you can chose to be somebody niggas in the hood look up too.

Tell us more about what you do?

I’m an Artist . A female rapper, one of the hardest out of Texas to be Exact . I’m also a hairstylist / nail artist .

When did you discover that you had a passion for this field?

I really realized I wanted to do this and could do it when I dropped my first solo song/video & People started noticing me really fast . So many different opportunities started coming my way and real toon actually ended up putting me on his “ upcoming rappers list “ and it was that moment that sat me down and made me think like damn, I really got everything I need to be somebody & if I keep pushing I’m going to be exactly where I want in about 5 years .

Who in your field do you look up to inspire to be like or admire and why?

I look up to a lot of different artists but my top two would be Megan & Enchanting . I look up them because one were all from the same place & we all came from nothing so I feel like I can relate to them . Enchanting is actually from the same part of Fort Worth I’m from and I’ve always looked up to her because it’s hard to be a female in this industry and there’s really nothing in Fort Worth so to make it out of there is crazy .

None of us would be where we are today if it wasn’t for some form of mentorship or free game being dropped on us. What gems do you have to give to someone looking to get into your field?

The best advice I got that I wish I would’ve gotten earlier is you have to surround yourself with the right people and you have to be ready to work at all times . You cannot expect to make it far in the industry if you sitting in the trap w drug dealers watching the door all day . You gotta get up and get outside and find people that have goals and are working towards them . A lack of work ethic & Laziness won’t get you anywhere

Where are you from?

Fort Worth, TX

How was it growing up? Was it always or were there struggles? What are some of the struggles you had to overcome?

Growing up I stayed in stop 6 which is like the trenches of the east side . I’ve always been blessed but no matter how blessed you are the struggle is real and people go through things they’d never expect to happen to them . I’ve seen so much from police brutality to my boyfriend actually getting killed outside my house while we were on the phone . Where I’m from it’s literally kill or be killed or get out before you gotta make that decision

How important is family and friend support? Do they support your business?

Support in general is very important. Honestly sometimes people that have never seen you in real life support you more than your family and friends do so I don’t limit my support system . I’m grateful for whoever in the worlds believes in me regardless of our relationship

What would you tell a younger you about life?

I would tell myself “ everything that you’re going to use as an excuse in the future shouldn’t stop you from doing anything “ . I’ve procrastinated with my passion for the longest because even though this is what I wanted to do I knew everybody won’t like my music or the way I dress and act . In a way I’m doing this for yall but I’m really not so, I sucked it up and did what I had to do. I’d tell my younger self to do the exact same thing

Who inspired you growing up and why?

Growing up I was always inspired by my mom because I never seen her give up . Not once when I was younger did, I ever actually see my mama get tired and quit. Regardless of what that woman was going through she was gon stick it out and come out that situation on top , I honestly don’t know anybody as strong and dedicated as my mama .

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Features Free Until August 1, 2022

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Regular Ft price . $100

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Ft with video . $200 ( basic )

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Ft with video x effects . $250




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