
Corisandra Lopez

What is your profession?

Artist/ Creative

How did you get into the field that you are in today?

I was raised with all kinds of music but rap always stood out to me because I love the art of spoken word. when I was pregnant with my first child, I announced it with a cover to J.Cole’s “Wet Dreams” this catapulted my interest in the rap game because so many people resonated with me! So I started taking it serious and I realized this craft was going to change my life to where I could live out my dreams in music and change my family’s life.

What do you love most about your profession?

I love performing and exchanging energy with amazing people and artist!

Tell us more about what you do?

I create daily! Music that heals me and others . I am solo doló right now and I do most everything myself. From bookings, to features, to new music LOPEZ is always involved 100%

When did you discover that you had a passion for this field?

I realized how much passion I had for this craft when I started connecting with people on a deeper level. I realized I want to change the world with my music and point of view . One fan at a time, one song at a time!

Who in your field do you look up to inspire to be like or admire and why?

Definitely Snow Tha Product, Nicki Minaj, Missy Elliot and many other amazing female artists are very inspiring to me! All the women I listed are unapologetically them and have paved away for other women to be creative in this field. Truly admiring and inspiring .

None of us would be where we are today if it wasn’t for some form of mentorship or free game being dropped on us. What gems do you have to give to someone looking to get into your field?

I would say to a new artist chasing their dreams, that they need to be unapologetic about their craft, look, sound etc… do what makes you happy and medir the music you want to make. Focus on the support and not the hate! And chase that dream like your life depends on it because it DOES

How was it growing up? Was it always or were there struggles? What are some of the struggles you had to overcome?

I was raised alongside my maternal grandparents and my mother because my father was sent to prison when I was almost 2 Yrs old. I never needed anything but my family definitely had struggles. I was raised in a very conservative Christian household so I did not have many privileges but music and singing was very fluent in our household. I became a natural caregiver at a very young age as I took care of my family and their illnesses. Along with caring for my family I knew what surgery was at the young age of four and I’ve been under the knife multiple times growing up but it definitely taught me strength. Many would say my childhood was rough but I was raised with so much love that now as an adult I can’t really think of anything I lacked.

How important is family and friend support? Do they support your business?

Family is everything to me. Not all my family supports me chasing my dreams but my day ones got me like no other and I couldn’t ask for a better support system!

What would you tell a younger you about life?

I would tell myself to step out of my shell sooner! To trust yourself and intuition and to most definitely be confident because you are an amazing soul on this planet

Who inspired you growing up and why?

My mother definitely inspires me daily because she is so relentless and strong for her family. Her along with my grandparents have shown me what unconditional love and ambition can get you! My family got it out the mud so I could have a chance here in the US

Indicate your Prices and Services

Verses – $250

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Hook- $150

Indicate your prices and services

Hook & Verse – $300

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Bookings starting at $300

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Videos & appearances starting at $300



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