Mike Zan
What is your profession?
Artist/ Creative
How did you get into the field that you are in today?
I’m actually a Music producer. I opened a recording studio and wanted to become a one stop shop for my clients so I learned to work a camera. Things started taking off in the right path so I decided to open an actual media company that would still allow me to work on music and films.
What do you love most about your profession?
The freedom of creativity. There isn’t a right or wrong way to art. It’s expressive. The fact you can take something that isn’t much and change it to something extraordinary is amazing. The feeling of simply creating.
Tell us more about what you do?
6Point Is a media company based in Dallas Tx. We handle all forms of media from music, voice over, photography, Graphic design, weddings, music videos, ect. Anything that has to do with media, we can handle.
When did you discover that you had a passion for this field?
Initially, the love for music has always been there. But I knew it was a passion when I dropped out of high school to do it full time. Once I started shooting videos, I would call off work to just film. Didn’t matter what it was. It was soothing. We’ve now been independent and self employed for 5 years and there’s no looking back.
Who in your field do you look up to inspire to be like or admire and why?
I personally believe there’s inspiration from multiple people, however the end result is to be your own creative. To implement others ideas with your own to create something new.
None of us would be where we are today if it wasn’t for some form of mentorship or free game being dropped on us. What gems do you have to give to someone looking to get into your field?
Don’t stop. Work hard and ultimately have fun. If you have a dream go for it. Nothing is stopping you but yourself from achieving greater heights.
How was it growing up? Was it always or were there struggles? What are some of the struggles you had to overcome?
Growing up wasn’t as tough as other people I know. But also wasn’t easy. My mom was a single mother until she met my stepdad and even after that it wasn’t anything lavish. Growing up in my teens I had the necessities but anything extra I had to get on my own. I know what its like not to have a bed and no electricity. But those are the things that make you cherish what you have.
How important is family and friend support? Do they support your business?
I think you can overcome without support, however if you do have support it makes it a whole lot easier. When I told my mom I was quitting my 75k a year salary at 21yrs old to pursue my dreams, she couldn’t have been more happy. She had dreams of her own she always wanted but never pushed to accomplish. She was 110% supportive that I had the confidence she didn’t to chase my dreams.
What would you tell a younger you about life?
I would tell my self to not mis use that credit card you got At 18yrs old. On a serious note, I would tell him to keep at it. Keep pushing your dreams and overall, never stop creating.
Who inspired you growing up and why?
Overall my stepfather was my biggest inspiration. A great man who came into another persons life and took care of the mistakes of another man. Truly a great man. On the business side, Growing up I was heavily inspired by 50 cent. The fact he has multiple businesses an acting career and does music was so inspiring.
Indicated your Prices and Services
Studio Time $45/Hr rough mix
Indicated your prices and services
Studio time $60/Hr Mixing included
Indicated your prices and services
Beat production $700 Exclusive
Indicated your prices and services
Music Videos Starting at $500
Indicated your prices and services
Wedding films Starting at $2,400
@6pointmedia & @6pointzan