Watch The OG Percy Interview

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OG Percy responds to a statement made by Tee Grizzly after he was robbed. He points out several artists that don’t flash their jewelry and possessions. He suggests that this is the cause of the issues a lot of modern day artists face with being robbed of their possessions. “Talking about what you got will get you got!” He proclaims. He then reflects on his time as a jack boy and how he would rob people who couldn’t call the police on him, in fear that it may incriminate themselves. He avoided robbing anything that may have had surveillance to decrease his notoriety with authority. However he increased his notoriety in the streets. Bounties would be placed on his head because of his actions. People would warn him of these bounties but he would never pay them any attention and would continue to perform these robberies. However his adversaries were taken out by others with beef against them.

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