Clayton Sherrod jr
How did you get into the field that you are in today?
What do you love most about your profession?
Tell us more about what you do?
When did you discover that you had a passion for this field?
Who in your field do you look up to inspire to be like or admire and why?
None of us would be where we are today if it wasn’t for some form of mentorship or free game being dropped on us. What gems do you have to give to someone looking to get into your field?
How was it growing up? Was it always or were there struggles? What are some of the struggles you had to overcome?
How important is family and friend support? Do they support your business?
What would you tell a younger you about life?
What would you tell a younger you about life?
Who inspired you growing up and why?
Indicated your Prices and Services
Indicated your prices and services
Indicated your prices and services
Indicated your prices and services
Website / URL