

What is your profession?

Artist/ Creative

How did you get into the field that you are in today?

I wanna say what put me in the music field was me not having anyone to talk to about the things I was feeling, seeing or thinking at the time. I really had no choice but to write out my emotions and that’s probably the best thing I ever did to be honest

What do you love most about your profession?

What I love most about making music is being able to see how far I’ve came with my sound. Nothing makes me more happy than listening to a song I made a year or two ago or even a few months ago & seeing how different I sound now. It just let me know that every time I went into the booth and made a song I grew instead of being staging

Tell us more about what you do?

Me personally I feel like I’m a songwriter. Everybody got strengths & weakness & I feel like that’s what I do the best is write. Writing is like the main key when it come to making music

When did you discover that you had a passion for this field?

I wanna say I was in second or third grade man & this girl I was messing with at the time was messing with my cousin as well. So one day we got on the bus & she kissed me then went & kissed my cousin too lol so I wanna say that same day I had put on the instrumental “best friend” by 50 cent and wrote my lil heart out and man it’s been up ever since

Who in your field do you look up to inspire to be like or admire and why?

I’ll say lil boosie because boosie had a song for every feeling, every situation. It was his bluntness & transparency in his music that really grabbed me.

None of us would be where we are today if it wasn’t for some form of mentorship or free game being dropped on us. What gems do you have to give to someone looking to get into your field?

My advice to a younger artist would be PRACTICE. Never get too comfortable or off the back feel like you the coldest artist already. Keep working on your craft, keep writing, keep recording, etc. talent & hard work will take you way farther than just relying on talent alone trust me

Where are you from?

Jackson, Mississippi

How was it growing up? Was it always or were there struggles? What are some of the struggles you had to overcome?

Growing up I really came from the bottom man. Like I grew up in a rusty old trailer where whenever you walk down the hallway the floor board creeks & was really living with mice & other things. Thank god for the growth tho but the main struggle I had was my household. My mom was all we had & she was working 2 jobs if not more sometimes just to provide for us and make things happen. The only other struggle I really had was dealing with my father not being around & other little traumatic incidents I had growing up but that’s another story

How important is family and friend support? Do they support your business?

I’ll say it’s highly important cause I was writing in third grade and so forth but never though to take a risk cause I thought my people wouldn’t accept what I was speaking on. You know family don’t like when you put they business out there but shid years later look at me now. my whole family supporting my music career right now so it definitely play a role in peoples confidence

What would you tell a younger you about life?

I would tell my younger self that no matter what you try to avoid or run from it’ll always catch up to you so take every risk you can that you feel like is worth it. Never hesitate and never wait on anyone to come find you or give you something. Life is what you make it you can either sit around for years & complain about what you ain’t got or doing or you can get yo ass up and go out there and get everything you feel like you deserve

Who inspired you growing up and why?

The person that inspired me the most in my life was my mom. Even though we was fortunate like other kids or families she always made a way for us even with nothing. Just to see a single mother raise two kids on her own & build them into men & move them to different locations to try to give them a better life was enough for me. She really got my respect for eternity

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